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How To Get To Level 50 Quickly In WoW Season Of Discovery Phase 3? - Preparation Guide

Mar 26 ,2024

In this discussion, we'll delve into the launch of Phase 3 of the Season of Discovery. To adequately prepare for the upcoming expansion within this phase, I'll provide several tips. Initially, I'll offer general advice, followed by two distinct strategies for efficiently reaching level 50.

Of course, if you want to have an excellent performance in Phase 3, it is very necessary to accumulate WoW SoD Gold from now on!

How To Get To Level 50 Quickly In WoW Season Of Discovery Phase 3? - Preparation Guide

General Tips

To begin, let's discuss some flight paths that are essential to have but may pose challenges to acquire or may be contested upon the release of the new phase.

Firstly, it's advisable to secure the flight path in the Blasted Lands if you're part of the Alliance. Conversely, if you're with the Horde, there's one available in the Swamp of Sorrows, which is more accessible due to its proximity to the Sunken Temple, also known as the Temple of Atal'Hakkar.

Additionally, ensure you have access to the flight path in Loch Modan if you're aligned with the Alliance. As for the Horde, their flight path may not be available until they reach the Burning Steppes, though this information could require confirmation.

Furthermore, it's crucial to obtain the flight path to Tanaris and subsequently to Desolace.

If you're aiming for efficiency, here's what you should do: Start by selecting a level 39 character with one or two bars remaining until the next level. Then, position yourself in a major city to accumulate full Rested XP bars, which takes 10 days and grants a bonus of one level and a half, effectively providing a 200% increase in XP gain.

If you've completed the Sleeping Bag quest, consider delaying the last turn-in to achieve level 40 swiftly. Ensure you retain all of your Student Fodder. Refraining from using it is crucial as there's a cap on your Rested XP bar, rendering it ineffective.

Alternatively, if you've already completed the Sleeping Bag quests and still possess your Student Fodder, it's acceptable. Just ensure you have a few straightforward quests to turn in to reach level 40, as quest experience doesn't contribute to your Rested XP bar.

On Release Day

On the day of the expansion release, follow these steps: 

If you're Alliance, head to Ironforge and acquire all the quests for Gnomeregan. Complete the dungeon and turn in the quests, which should boost you to approximately level 41 and a half. Then, obtain all the quests for Uldaman. For Alliance players, they're located in Ironforge and the Badlands. Complete these quests to reach approximately level 44 or 45.

Next, journey to Tanaris when you're around level 44 or 45, preferably with a competent group. Obtain the quests from the Shimmering Flats and Tanaris to venture into Zul'Farrak. Continue running Zul'Farrak until you're approximately level 48.

If you have a proficient group and feel confident, consider proceeding to Desolace. Collect all available quests and primarily focus on running Maraudon until reaching level 40.

This sequence is chosen because the content of Zul'Farrak and Maraudon remains uncertain, as their loot tables have not been updated. Additionally, much of your Pre-BiS gear is anticipated to come from these dungeons, with potentially some items from Uldaman. However, the specifics remain unknown due to changes in dungeon loot since Classic, making Zul'Farrak and Maraudon vital sources of gear for mid-to-high-level characters in Classic.

Now, transitioning to a more casual or standard approach, it's advisable to complete quests for Gnomeregan and Uldaman before the new phase release. However, refrain from turning them in until later.

In the Uldaman questlines, there are numerous chains, limiting how far you can progress on all of them. However, this streamlines your journey, saving you some time. On the day Phase 3 launches, begin by swiftly completing Uldaman, then promptly turn in all the associated quests. Repeat this process until you reach level 44. Alternatively, you can engage in quests in the Swamp of Sorrows, Stranglethorn Vale, or Tanaris.

For further guidance, there's a comprehensive guide available on Rested XP's website, focusing on maximizing your experience gains. Otherwise, proceed with running Uldaman. Upon reaching level 45, transition to Zul'Farak with its quests. Subsequently, at level 49 or 50, undertake Maraudon with its quests. If preferred, you can adhere to the Rested XP guide to streamline your progression.

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